What really happend on the temp-channel disaster

Two and a half years after disaster struck temp-channel on one sunny afternoon, I decided to let out the truth of what really happend that day.
Here is my Conspiracy Theory!
* The following events are in chronological order.

Episode 1

It all started on the evening of March 31st 2004, one day before the notorious April Fools.
Paradoxx starts off with a warning! a forecast to the future.
(23:14:13) (@_Paradoxx) New virus. (jpg style)
(23:14:29) (@rlz) Dope.
(23:14:42) (@_Paradoxx) if you see this message “u wanna see my site? hffp://private.a123sdsdssddddgfg.com” don’t click it!
Everyone chooses to ignore it and take it lightly.
temp-channel is consisted of a very carefully picked group of leet-haxors, who are > trojans.

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